Resources for employers and job seekers in Northeast Ohio.


Follow along as we post interesting articles and employment advice, and discuss other staffing industry news. Select from posts that are relevant to job applicants, and others that cover issues of interest to our clients. Then, add your comments…we’d love to hear from you!

White Papers

HR professionals, business owners and department heads with hiring responsibility will enjoy these articles related to staffing. Be sure to check out the American Staffing Association’s white paper on how the strategic use of temporary workers can help control your business’ healthcare costs and other personnel-related expenses.

Job Seeker Articles

Here we present a variety of articles designed to help job applicants advance their careers. Included are advice for putting together a resume that will open doors, interviewing tips that will help you land a new position, and much more. Be sure to also check out our blog for additional candidate resources.

Download Brochure

Customers can click here to download a summary of the staffing and recruitment services offered by Area Temps.