The time has come to fill an open position. But with all the job listings out there, how can yours stand out? Job seekers have a lot of applications to fill, so how do you ensure one of them is yours? And how do you treat applicants as they go through the hiring process? Here are five tips to help you level up your recruitment efforts.
#1 – Post the Job Pay on the Listing
According to Adobe’s Future Workforce Study, 85% of new or recent graduates will not bother applying to a job that has no salary or wage listed. If you’re looking for fresh graduates that’ll grow with the company, posting the pay is essential. Providing transparency of benefits also plays into this, as younger professionals are looking for security in their new jobs. And if the benefits aren’t good or the pay isn’t competitive, post it anyway. Those who are looking for a certain compensation will self-select out of the candidate pool. That way, you don’t have to waste time interviewing people who will turn down the job. You could also raise the pay or provide higher-quality benefits, but this requires resources your company may or may not have considering its size.
#2 – Make a Simple Application Process
Overly complicated application processes can be intimidating. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for February 2024 that the average time someone spends on unemployment is 20.9 weeks with a median of 9.3 weeks, seasonally adjusted. If it takes five months to secure a job (or a little over two if in the median) then job seekers will be completing a lot of applications. Many online applications ask for redundant information, such as attaching a resume and then requiring job responsibilities to be added in a separate application. Not to mention requesting cover letters, references, letters of recommendation, or any other documents needed for the job. This amount of paperwork is daunting and will turn more than a few applicants away. Having a streamlined, simple, and efficient application process will increase the interest in your application and draw more job seekers towards your company.
#3 – Notify Applicants When They’ve Been Rejected
Job seekers submit a lot of applications, and generally understand not all applications will turn into interviews. But notifying applicants when they’ve been rejected for a position based on their application is an important courtesy to extend. Applicants take the time to find and apply for jobs, and it is only good etiquette to tell them when they will not be considered further. This adds a sense of closure and won’t leave a bitter taste in the applicant’s mouth.
#4 – Be Transparent with the Hiring Process
When you do bring in an applicant to interview, tell them upfront how many interviews are expected or about any assessments that must be completed during the hiring process. Applicants must be aware of how long it may take to hear a hiring decision. If the process takes a while, they may want to continue applying to other jobs while interviewing. Keep in mind that just as you are giving your time to the applicant, the applicant is giving time to you. Just as you expect them to respect your time, you should respect their time as well.
#5 – Don’t Give Applicants the Runaround Without Good Reason
Depending on the field, some hiring processes are extensive. But, making hiring needlessly complicated is a disservice to job seekers. As mentioned, the applicant is giving you their time as well, and respecting that time is important. Redundant interview rounds, baseless tests and assessments, and asking applicants to perform unpaid work to “see if they’re a good fit” is going to give your company a bad reputation. Try to cut down on interview rounds as much as possible. And if skill testing is necessary, compensate applicants for their time. To put in extensive work only to be rejected never feels good and will only sour job seekers to your company.
When recruiting for an open position, the most important thing to keep in mind is to respect the applicant’s time. Job seekers are expected to be courteous to interviewers, follow job interview etiquette and do it all with a plucky can-do attitude. It’s only fair that the recruiter or human resources professional sorting through resumes and conducting interviews extends similar courtesy and respect. After all, the interview is also the applicant’s first impression of your company. If you leave a bad impression, the perfect candidate will walk out on you.
Are you looking to fill open positions? Area Temps interviews thousands of Northeast Ohio professionals and can find you the perfect fit for your job. To learn more about our services, follow this link or contact your nearest Area Temps office here.